Friday 18 April 2014

How geography makes a strong impact in our everyday life?

Geography and everyday life is interlinked quite strongly. Most of us are interested to know our current location and it is undoubtedly linked with the knowledge of geography. The familiarity of geography enables us to understand the very basic things around us and build our awareness in a superb way.

Geographic activities vary greatly and may differ ranging from the understanding of maps, driving directions, parking spots or the city where you choose to relocate. Few people believe that it is not significant enough to learn geography for knowing directions, locations etc but the fact is that geography knowledge matters a lot. 

The knowledge of geography makes a strong impact on our lives and helps resolve different issues that we face on daily basis.

Reading a map

Reading and understanding a map is a very basic geographic skill. Maps are commonly used today for going from one location to another. The navigational symbols and the use of keys remains  vital as these represent different features like roads, water, highways etc. You must have an understanding of the map for the accurate estimation of the time the trip might take. If you are on an adventure journey then these skills will help you a lot in guessing things accurately.

Creation of mental maps

Geographical skills can help you greatly in creation of mental maps of your surroundings. Mental maps are basically used in geography for driving directions. These maps basically belong to the field of behavioral geography. We are all conscious about our surroundings to know where to shop, which are the ideal and safe places to reach our destinations. This is where geography comes in to play in a very evident manner, helping us know about our surroundings and avoid the mishaps.

Choosing our workplace and home

Geographical knowledge certainly makes a huge impact on our major decisions like where to live, where to work or where to stay during the vacations etc. For example; you may not choose to relocate to a place which is very far from the main cities or your home town. This can only be known if you have knowledge of the distance or location of various regions. Thus geography brings much ease in making your decisions look easy.

Awareness of the world news

Almost all of us like to stay in touch with the news circulating in the market. Majority of these headlines require the understanding of different regions. For example; the news about the lost Indonesian plane MH370 is still circulating the major news channels of the world. Watching the news without any knowledge of geography is simply of no use.  South China seas and north Indian Ocean are terms that only a person with good geography skills can understand in an appropriate manner. 

You not only get a complete understanding of the news but also help others aware of the facts in a great way.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Understanding the Map

 Make use of Map for getting from 1 to 2

If you are eager to know the ways of getting from point 1 to point 2 without being lost, no need to inquire for directions. Just depend on your map. It is tough to read a map. The symbols, directions assisters and typography lines all need a bit understanding but the answers are all available. The following guide will help you in finding your way:

Selecting the right map

A wide range of maps are available for a different kind of users.
For instance;
·         Road maps are available along with highways and byways.
·         Tourist maps with renowned landmarks or evident celebrities for tourism.
·         Topo maps for hikers including paths and campgrounds.

   Sectionals or maps for pilots that include terminal areas and air routes  including tall things that must be avoided by planes.

·        A good free map for different areas of the world is Google Maps. However; this may not be available when required so it is significant to learn the ways to read the printed maps as well.

Understanding the Map

Verify the orientation of the map. Majority of the maps are drawn with north located at the top.
Sometimes this may be displayed through a compass rose. Or it should simply be stated to be the map’s assumption. If no indication is there to the contrary, assume that it is north at top.

Understand the map scale.

The map scale depicts you the ratio of map distance to the genuine distance. These vary in size from map to map. Search for the scale that is often located on the map’s bottom or side. It will look something like 1:100,000 which shows that 1 unit on the map is equal to 100,000 units in the real life.
In general, the following scales work the best as stated:
•       Obtain a 1:25,000 map for walking
•       Acquire a 1:190,000 map for driving
•       Use a 1:24,000,000 map for seeing the whole world.
To analyze how far is your destination, use a scale and ruler for calculating the miles it is from point A to B.

Note the latitude and longitude

If you have plans to travel to the next town, this is not very significant. However; if you want to sail, fly or tour long distances, this might be helpful. 
The latitude is the distance in degrees north or south of the equator.
·         The longitude is the distance in east or west degrees of Greenwich Meridian Line.
   •    Each degree is divided in 60 minutes, with each minute representing a nautical mile
(or 1.15 land miles/1.85km). This signifies that one degree is equal to 60 nautical miles or 69 land miles/111km.
·         The latitude is shown by numbers on the side map.
·         The longitude is depicted by the numbers at the top and bottom of the map.
·         The point at which the latitude and longitude cross at your location is your point of reference.
·         Latitude and longitude points are frequently utilized when there are no landmarks or roads for determining a location.

Thursday 3 April 2014

How to teach map learning skills through windows app?

Are you in love with the geography subject and want to let your students get maximum insights in to the vast field of geography? If yes, then it is time to think out of the box and leave the traditional methods of teaching geography.

Yes for survival in today’s technological world, you must learn the innovative ways of teaching your students about maps and regions of the world. 
The Apple store, Microsoft and Google play store offer a range of applications and games about Geography. You can utilize these maps by installing them on the laptops or desktops available in the school computer labs. This will not only enhance the learning of students but also will make them more capable of learning in a different way.

Downloadthe map learner game from the Microsoft store free of cost and let your students learn about different continents of the world in a simplified manner. Give them the flexibility to learn different continents of the world and provide the chance of getting thorough knowledge of world geography. It is real fun and will create the urge in your students to learn geography differently.